Christmas Support Grant (CSG) for wet-led pubs
Following a one-month extension, Government instructed us to close this fund on the 28/02/21 - many thanks to all businesses that submitted a self-declaration.
Local Authorities under Tier 2/3 restrictions were required to pay a one-off 'Christmas Support Grant' (CSG) of £1,000 to wet-led pubs.
To be eligible for this grant, pubs needed to derive less than 50% of their income from the sale of food. Pubs also needed to meet all other conditions set out in the Government Guidance for this scheme.
For the purposes of the CSG, the definition of a wet-led pub is a pub that derives less than 50% of its income from sales of food. Pubs that derive over 50% of their income from food sales were not be eligible to receive funding through this grant scheme.
In order have been eligible for this payment your business must:
- met the above definition of a wet-led pub;
- have successfully applied to ELDC for the original National Lockdown Local Restriction Support Grant ( and completed the 'self-declaration' we sent you; and;
- the pub must have met the definition of an establishment that (when not under Covid restrictions) is open to the general public, allows free entry other than when occasional entertainment is provided, allows drinking without requiring food to be consumed and permits drinks to be purchased at a bar.
Premises that may serve drinks, but that were ineligible for CSG (as per Government Guidance) included:
- Restaurants, Cafes, Nightclubs, Hotels, Snack Bars, Guesthouses, Boarding Houses, Sporting Venues, Music Venues, Festival Sites, Theatres, Museums, Exhibition Halls, Cinemas, Concert Halls and Casinos.
All potentially eligible pubs who had already successfully applied for a Local Restrictions Support Grant were contacted directly and asked to complete a self-declaration.
Please sign up to our business brief for business support notifications: