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Local Restrictions Support Grant Open (LRSG O)

We administered the Local Restrictions Support Grant Open (for the period 2nd December to 30th December 2020) on behalf of Government.

This fund has now closed.

The Local Restrictions Support Grant Open was targeted at businesses that were not legally required to close (02/12/20 to 30/12/20) but were severely impacted by localised restrictions e.g. Dog Kennels, Catteries, Taxi Firms etc.

We received an LRSG Open budget of £181,523 for the period 2nd December to 30th December (Tier 3 restrictions) and targeted this allocation exclusively at making top-up payments to eligible December 2020 Additional Restrictions Grant Open (ARG O) applications.

As such, to access this funding businesses needed to have made a successful application to the Additional Restrictions Grant Open (December 2020) which was open for applications between 08/02/21 and 12/02/21.

Please note: The LRSG Open was not available in either Tier 4 or National Lockdowns.

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