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Lisa Fairlie

CCB Member (Stakeholder)

L Fairlie

L Fairlie
Organisation and Role: Platform Housing Group - Assistant Director of Communities and Neighbourhoods

Specialist areas: Housing, Business Transformation

Lisa is the Assistant Director of Communities and Neighbourhoods at Platform Housing Group. She is managing the Eastern region which covers area hubs in Louth, Matlock, Leicester and Market Harborough. Her housing teams provide housing management services to customers across East Lindsey including LSVT properties. She joined Platform in October of last year having worked for over 30 years for her previous employer; a large part of that involved working across Lincolnshire and East Lindsey, so she has many connections with partners and stakeholders in the area as well as being very familiar with the geography and demography.

Platform is undergoing a period of transformation, being a newly formed organisation via a merger with Waterloo Housing Group and Fortis Living. Currently they are looking at the way they work with their customers and the services they provide focussing on sustainable tenancies and ways they can support customers in their tenancies by providing a service that meets their needs. They are particularly passionate about making a difference to as many people as possible through the way they deliver their services and offering a bespoke service that meets individual needs and circumstances.

On a personal level, Lisa is married with 2 daughters, 3 stepsons and 2 dogs, so has a very busy household. She enjoys reading, travelling and socialising when she is not immersed in the world of social housing, which does take up quite a lot of her time!