Belchford and Fulletby Neighbourhood Development Plan
Belchford and Fulletby Parish Council has submitted the Belchford and Fulletby Neighbourhood Development Plan and accompanying documents (Neighbourhood Plan Proposal) to East Lindsey District Council. The Belchford and Fulletby Neighbourhood Development Plan has been prepared by a dedicated team of local people and is endorsed by Belchford and Fulletby Parish Council. It sets out planning policies for the area covered by the Parish Council.
In accordance with Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, East Lindsey District Council is now required to carry out a consultation to provide an opportunity for all parties to comment on the Plan Proposal. Representations received under Regulation 16 regarding the Plan Proposal will be forwarded to an examiner (yet to be appointed), who will assess the plan proposal to ensure that it meets the Basic Conditions and to determine whether the Plan should proceed to referendum. Those within Belchford and Fulletby registered to vote on the electoral register will be entitled to vote. If more than 50% of those voting in the referendum agree to the Plan, it will be 'made' by East Lindsey District Council and will become part of the Council's Development Plan, meaning that it will be a material consideration when deciding development proposals within the area covered by the Plan.
The consultation ran from 1st May to 12th June 2024. The Plan is currently being reviewed by an independent examiner. Documentation relating to the examination can be seen below.
Belchford and Fulletby NDP March 2024 (PDF, 29 MB)(opens new window)
Basic Conditions Statement (PDF, 6 MB)(opens new window)
Consultation Statement (PDF, 20 MB)(opens new window)
SEA Screening Opinion (PDF, 1019 KB)(opens new window)
Consultation Form (PDF, 77 KB)(opens new window)
Examination Documentation
Initial Comments of the Independent Examiner (PDF, 165 KB)(opens new window)
Belchford and Fulletby Response to Initial Comments (PDF, 6 MB)(opens new window)
East Lindsey District Councils response to initial comments (PDF, 122 KB)(opens new window)
Figure 18 Insert Maps (PDF, 424 KB)(opens new window)
Belchford Parish HER records (PDF, 312 KB)(opens new window)
Fulletby Parish HER Records (PDF, 165 KB)(opens new window)
SEA Screening Opinion for Belchford and Fulletby NDP (PDF, 393 KB)(opens new window)
HRA Screening for Belchford and Fulletby NDP (PDF, 126 KB)(opens new window)
Further comments from the Independent Examiner (PDF, 565 KB)(opens new window)
Responses to Examiners further comments (PDF, 48 KB)(opens new window)
Local Listings Map March 2023 (PDF, 685 KB)(opens new window)
Documents relating to land rear of Blue Bell Inn
Planning Application reference S/013/01784/03 (PDF, 112 KB)(opens new window)
Refusal of Outline Planning Permission S/013/00266/04 (PDF, 9 KB)(opens new window)
Appeal Decision relating to planning reference S/013/00266/04 (PDF, 747 KB)(opens new window)
Refusal of Outline Planning Permission S/013/01397/15 (PDF, 42 KB)(opens new window)
Screening Opinion S/013/01419/15 (PDF, 38 KB)(opens new window)
Appeal Decision relating to planning reference S/013/01397/15 (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
Screening Opinion S/013/02057/20 (PDF, 47 KB)(opens new window)
Refusal of Planning Permission S/013/02313/21 (PDF, 41 KB)(opens new window)
Letter to the owner of the land to rear of Blue Bell Inn (PDF, 162 KB)(opens new window)
Response from Owner Of Land Rear of Blue Bell Inn (PDF, 233 KB)(opens new window)
Revised Green Space Map (PDF, 536 KB)(opens new window)