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Scamblesby Parish Council

Scamblesby Parish Council received £900.00 from the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Parish Council Grants Scheme towards food and drink, commemorative coin for under 18s and an additional £100.00 towards advertising, paper plates, cups etc.

Friday 27th May

Scamblesby School Street Party began at 12pm - 3pm on the school playground and playing field. Residents were invited to join the children of Scamblesby Primary School at their Queen's Platinum Jubilee Street Party with traditional games and ice cream from a local ice cream van. Red, white and blue was the dress code for the event.

Thursday 2nd June

A registered beacon was lit in Scamblesby, at 9:45pm, the appointed hour when all the other beacons were simultaneously lit. Drinks and BBQ food which were provided in the Barn from 8:30pm. 

Saturday 4th June

At 11am, a Jubilee Bake Off was held at Scamblesby Village Hall, followed by a Village Street Party at 2pm-5pm for all ages.

Sunday 5th June 

Songs of  Praise at St Martin's Church began with the service held in celebration of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee which was followed by cheese and wine.

Scamblesby celebrations