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Wainfleet St Mary Parish Council

Wainfleet St Mary Parish Council received £1,000 from the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Parish Council Grants Scheme to enhance the Jubilee Orchard.

The history of the Orchard can be found on the Wainfleet St Mary's web page


What started as a Community Orchard evolved in to a Jubilee project to provide a permanent memory to the 70 year reign of Queen Elizabeth 11.


The Orchard has been renamed as The Jubilee Orchard with a new sign installed and a Jubilee commemorative bench has been purchased from Council funds which has been placed in the Orchard garden. Aspirations are for a weatherproof pictorial signage depicting the flower species that are growing in the orchard.

The original cast iron WSM Parish bench has been relocated to a green area in the village and replaced by the bespoke Platinum Jubilee bench.


Other aspirations are to purchase a water butt for retention of rain fall and a compost bin to recycle the wildflowers once cut back at the end of the summer and any other green waste.

We would like to purchase daffodil bulbs and forget me nots to be planted around the perimeter of the fence, two Jubilee roses and green shrubs - such as Viburnum - to give height and colour to the gardens through the winter period and also railway sleepers or similar to give a raised bed area around the seating area with a central bird table.


The local Beaver group is involved in the maintenance of the Orchard working towards their Gardening Badges and additionally there are Community volunteers working with the Council to maintain and care for the Orchard. Ideally if gardening equipment could be purchased - wheelbarrow, forks, and hoes, then we could encourage and attract more volunteers who do not necessarily have their own gardening tools.


We want to make the space inclusive for all.  We want to encourage those members of the community with disabilities to feel able to be involved with learning how to garden using the raised flower bed. Feeling useful in contributing to an important space in our small community.  We want this area to have full access for those using wheelchairs. 


In Summary

Benefits of The Jubilee Orchard

  • A lasting memorial to Queen Elizabeth 11
  • A place to sit and enjoy nature in the heart of the community
  • A place that gives opportunity to local community groups to work on the land
    • The Scouts & Beavers
    • The local school
    • Those with disabilities to learn how to garden and contribute to an activity o importance to our community (by having a raised garden bed and wheelchair access)
    • Members of the Council
    • Members of public (community volunteers)


  • Our 'ask' - what we will do with the £1000 funding
    • Signage
    • Tools (for able bodied adults, children and those with disabilities)
    • A water butt
    • A compost bin
    • Raised beds for easy access by wheelchair users
    • Jubilee Roses
    • Bedding plants around the seating area
    • Central bird table