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National Grid grants and additional funding help support East Lindsey's Warm Spaces

East Lindsey District Council has been successful with a bid to the National Grid - Community Matters Fund in receiving a grant to allow them to support local community groups who are open as a Warm Space this Winter.

Trustthorpe Village Hall

The Council are in process of making a £400 one-off contribution available to support Warm Spaces who have signed up to the districts Warm Spaces directory opening on a weekly basis. For those signed up but open less than once a week will be eligible to apply for a one-off contribution of £200.

The following groups who eligible for funding are:

  • Not for Profit Company Limited by Guarantee
  • Constituted Company/Voluntary Group
  • Parish or Town Council
  • Parochial Church Council
  • Registered Charity

Those groups who we are aware of and are signed up and eligible have been contacted and payments are being processed. 

Warm spaces in East Lindsey are also being supported as part of the local Household Support Fund, funding has been made available to Age UK Lindsey to help them to continue to distribute warm packs this winter. Where older residents are need, packs with hot drinks, thermals and energy advice can be delivered.

Cllr William Gray, Portfolio Holder for Communities and Better Ageing and Cllr Sarah Devereux, Portfolio Holder for Partnerships at East Lindsey District Council, said "We are delighted our teams have been able to secure this funding to allow us to help further in our community. For some of our residents it is essential that they are able to get out of the cold and find a warm welcoming space where they can feel relaxed and at ease and our registered warm spaces do give just that.

"We believe we've rolled out a comprehensive plan that will enable anyone, in any part of the District, to access some kind of help in their area that will enable them to cope better this winter."

If you would like to find out more of either of these funding support packs please contact Nichola Holderness, Empowering Healthy Communities Coordinator by calling 01205 314269 or emailing