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New Applications

Charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASC)

If you are either a registered Charity or CASC you may be entitled to an 80 per cent reduction.  If you think you will qualify please return the completed application form Mandatory Rate Relief (PDF, 159 KB).

Information on how to register as a casc is available from GOV.UK.


Discretionary Rate Relief

The Council have the discretion to award up to £2,000 rate relief to non-profit making organisations.  To apply for the relief, you will need to read the guidance notes and complete an application form if you believe you may qualify Discretionary Rate Relief Application Form & Guidance Notes (PDF, 101 KB), you will also need to return a completed Local Support Form (PDF, 192 KB).  For further details, see our Discretionary Rate Relief Policy (PDF, 307 KB).

You require an Equal Opportunities Policy for your organisation to be eligible for discretionary rate relief. You can use our Equal Opportunities Policy Template (PDF, 50 KB)(opens new window) to help you write one.

Requests for backdating discretionary rate relief will be considered at our discretion. However, in accordance with the Local Government Finance Act 1988, applications must be determined within six months of the end of the financial year for which the relief is being sought.

Please contact us for further details on 01507 601111 selecting Business Rates or email us on