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Hire Vehicle Driver - Safeguarding Training

This Council has made the online safeguarding training, provided by the Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB), a mandatory requirement for all hackney carriage and private hire vehicle drivers. The courses are free e-learning courses - there is no charge made for the courses.

All driver licence applicants must successfully complete the online courses before a licence is granted. Once you have completed the courses you must forward a copy of the two pass certificates to the Licensing Team. You can email a PDF copy of the certificates to the Licensing Team at:

or submit printed copies with the licence application.

You will need to undertake the following two online courses:

·       Introduction to Safeguarding Everyone in Lincolnshire

·       Tackling Exploitation and Modern Slavery in Lincolnshire

You must let us have sight of the two training certificates - we are not advised separately by the training provider who has completed the online course.

Accessing the Courses

You will need to visit the Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Partnership Website here:

And then click on the training link on the webpage. Then follow the detailed instructions on how to register and access the courses (and print the training certificates) which can be found in the guidance leaflets at the bottom of this webpage.