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Register of Animal Welfare Licences

A list of all current Animal Welfare Licences can be found on the Public Register linked below:

Public Register

However, on this webpage (under Related Documents) we have attached separate lists of licensed animal boarding establishments, dog breeding establishments, riding establishments, pet shops/online pet sales and establishments that keep and/or train animals for exhibition. These lists show the star rating achieved by each establishment. The lists are updated on a monthly basis therefore recently expired and/or recently granted licences may not appear on these lists.

To check the currency of an Animal Welfare Licence please refer to the Public Register using the link provided above.

Star Rating System: The star rating system for animal welfare licences (excluding licences for keeping/training animals for exhibition) is a risk-based system. Star ratings of 1 to 5 can be awarded.  The star rating achieved takes into account the level of risk and whether a licence applicant achieves the 'minimum standard' conditions or the 'higher standards' as laid out in the Schedules of The Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018 and the DEFRA guidance issued on these Regulations. The ratings are as follows:

1 Star - Failing to meet the minimum standards but with only minor failings (for example, lack of paperwork).

2 Star - Minimum standards are being achieved.

3 Star - Minimum standards are being achieved.

4 Star - Higher standards are being achieved.

5 Star - Higher standards are being achieved.

Please Note: Most new businesses and/or businesses which have been licensed for less than 1 year are automatically categorised as 'High Risk' therefore the highest star rating achievable is 4.