District Council Health and Wellbeing Strategy
The Health and Wellbeing Delivery Plan by ELDC identifies further ways to improve health and wellbeing across the District through possible interventions, opportunities and partnerships as well as utilising the authority's existing work across its service areas and together with partners.
The delivery plan was approved by the Council's Executive Board in February 2023.
The Health and Wellbeing Delivery Plan for East Lindsey maps out the actions to be taken specifically to help residents and communities in the District.
It comes after the Lincolnshire District Councils' Health and Wellbeing Strategy which district councils have published together, intended as a blueprint with individual delivery plans to follow. It signalled the development of East Lindsey's delivery plan which drives the Council's contribution to that strategy.
The delivery plan for East Lindsey, much like the overall strategy, is split across five themes. It spells out specific actions under each theme while also being based on health needs in East Lindsey, alignments with existing Council partnerships and possible new actions.
The themes and some of the actions identified within the delivery plan for East Lindsey are:
Housing and homelessness
Improve the supply, quality and coordination of services to meet housing needs and demands
- Address the underlying causes of homelessness so that it becomes rare, brief and non-recurring
- Improving the supply of housing needs and demands
- Improving the quality of existing accommodation to secure an overall improvement in the health and wellbeing of residents
- Coordination of partnership activity to provide improved housing choices
Activity and wellbeing
To address inactivity across the county - improving access and opportunity for all residents to be active and participate by leveraging District knowledge and connection with people and places
- Active place - creating environments for people, of all ages, to have equitable access to safe places and spaces, in which to take part in regular physical activity
- Active people - providing opportunities across the county for residents to participate in activity - in leisure, culture and community
- Active system - working across the system in a co-ordinated way to tackle health inequalities, address long term health conditions and improve opportunities for prevention
Environment and climate
Improve understanding of the links between environment and health and maximise opportunities to deliver on both simultaneously
- Tackle climate change - including improving air quality and reducing carbon emissions
- Awareness and education
- Maximising open / green space provision - Licensing and provision of healthy, sustainable food options
- Maximise potential of Local Plan reviews to deliver for environment and health together, capturing the above areas
Economic inclusion
Reducing economic inequality and alleviating poverty as a fundamental driver for improving mental and physical health and wellbeing
- Supporting those in employment to improve their overall health and resilience to future potential health issues
- Supporting transitioning/adaptation of businesses/sectors/employees most susceptible to economic change and transition
- Develop a wide ranging and innovative programme with partners to enable residents to improve digital skills and access
- Increase the number of residents who are economically active by ensuring those that have health conditions/disabilities can take advantage of the opportunities for more flexible/remote employment opportunities
- Health attraction interventions to develop the health and care sector to increase recruitment/retention and support business growth
Working with Communities
Leverage unique links at place level to enable and support local communities
- Capture and build on district community engagement knowledge and expertise
- Expand district participation in current sector discussions / forums
- Strengthen sector oversight and assurance -Enhance and sustain voluntary sector engagement and contribution
- A strategic commissioning approach in Lincolnshire -
- Review opportunities to further develop districts preventative approach, using Wellbeing Lincs as a proven and trusted mechanism for collaboration and innovation.
This strategy supports the Partnership's ambition for the sub-region in addressing health inequalities, deprivation and maximising the opportunity for delivering a leisure and culture offer across South and East Lincolnshire. It gives a clear framework for developing and delivering the Healthy Living Action Plan.