East Lindsey District Council Launch Age-friendly Ambassador Scheme with their partners Lincolnshire Community & Voluntary Service
East Lindsey District Council (ELDC) committed to becoming an Age-friendly community in 2019. In 2021 we became a member of the WHO Global Network of Age-friendly Communities. An essential element of an Age-friendly Community is the meaningful engagement and involvement of older people. It is important that older people have the opportunity to contribute to the way that services are shaped, and public spaces created. It is also important for us to share Age-friendly information and to promote Age-positive messages throughout our communities.
As October begins and we celebrate the International Day of Older Persons #IDOP23, we are delighted to announce the launch of East Lindsey's Age-friendly Ambassador Scheme. ELDC are pleased to be partnering with Lincolnshire Community and Voluntary Service (LCVS) to deliver the scheme. Our Age-friendly Communities Officer Jane Berni announced the launch of the scheme at the recent Age-friendly Lincolnshire Conference, where she was joined by Cllr William Gray (ELDC) and Mandy Elmer (LCVS).
Cllr William Gray, Portfolio Holder for Communities & Better Ageing at East Lindsey District Council, said: "The Age-friendly Ambassador scheme provides a great opportunity for us to better understand the needs of our older residents as part of our ongoing commitment to being an Age-friendly Community."
Are you aged 50+, living in East Lindsey and passionate about having your say on issues affecting older people?
You might be interested in becoming an Age-friendly Ambassador. As a volunteer ambassador you could be communicating Age-friendly messages and helping to tackle ageism. You might be involved in co-designing with partner organisations, initiatives and developments across the district.
The role suits anyone that is willing to connect with others and is passionate about having their say on issues affecting older people.
Mandy Elmer, Community Development and Volunteering Officer from LCVS, said: "LCVS are happy to work in partnership with ELDC to launch this pioneering project, really listening to the voice of older people through our volunteers and making a real difference within our communities."
For more information please contact Jane Berni by emailing jane.berni@e-lindsey.gov.uk or Mandy Elmer by emailing mandyelmer@lincolnshirecvs.org.uk