Statement from Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel following their extraordinary meeting
Following yesterday's extraordinary Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel meeting, please find below a statement on behalf of the Panel.
A recording of the meeting can be viewed on East Lindsey District Council's YouTube at:, and the agenda and reports can be read on their website at:
Statement from Chris Cook, Independent Chair of Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel:
"We are pleased that the IOPC's report acknowledges that the referral for investigation was a correct and necessary process by the Panel as part of its statutory role in relation to the PCC.
"The evidence laid out in the report highlights the failure of the selection process to meet the expected principles of being fair, open and merit-based, and to meet the national guidelines in place to ensure the protection of Police and Crime Commissioners, appointment panels and the candidates involved.
"The real and personal impact of the process upon many of the individuals involved is made clear in the report and the subsequent representations, and the Panel's primary concern is to ensure this does not happen again.
"As a result, we will be writing to the Commissioner and other relevant bodies, including the College of Policing and the Home Office, to seek assurances, the review of guidelines and to ensure that future selection processes in Lincolnshire and across the country are conducted to the high, professional standards that the public, policing colleagues and those involved deserve, including for the county's upcoming Chief Constable recruitment."