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'Age Without Limits' Campaign

We are supporting the national 'Age Without Limits' Campaign 

The campaign is being led by the Centre for Ageing Better and includes an annual Age Without Limits Action Day, the first of these is on the 20th March 2024. 

"Ageism is the prejudice that's hidden in plain sight. It's embedded in our society and even accepted as normal by those of us who are older.   We see and hear casual ageism every day in the media, on TV, at work, in pubs, on social media, in family conversations. 

It doesn't have to be this way. Thinking negatively about ageing and older people has been accepted and ignored for too long.

The Age Without Limits campaign aims to change the way we all think about ageing and support a growing movement of people and organisations working to make society more age-inclusive." (Centre for Ageing Better) 

For more information about the campaign Who we are | Age without limits

How can we change the way people think about ageing? 

Spread the word

Talk about the campaign in your communities and across your networks.  Use some of the resources available to start a conversation (below).

Share your own experiences of ageism

The Centre for Ageing Better want to give people to opportunity to share their experiences as a way of helping others understand what ageism looks and feels like. You can contact them here Experiences of Ageing

Become an Age Without Limits Champion (National) 

The Centre for Ageing Better are offering people the option to become part of a network of individuals aged over 50 who share their views and experience in order to help develop the Age Without Limits Campaign. Champions are getting involved in a number of ways such as being part of focus groups, research projects and feedback polls.  If you are interested contact them here Experiences of Ageing

Become an Age-friendly Ambassador (Local) 

In East Lindsey we have an Age-friendly Ambassador Scheme which provides the opportunity for people aged over 50 to get involved with a range of activities. This includes sharing Age-friendly messages, including tackling ageism, with their community. You can find more information about the Age-friendly Ambassador scheme here Age-friendly Ambassadors - East Lindsey District Council


Why not have a go at this quiz... Take the challenge | Age without limits