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Planning and Building Control

                                                                     You can search for planning applications online


Please note we are moving to a new software system from Monday 24th March 2025.  Therefore from this date you will need to re-register in order to make comments on applications.

Please note we are moving to a new software system from Monday 24th March 2025.  Therefore from this date you will  need to re-register in order to track applications.

Residents can help shape the development and growth of their local area through the production of a Neighbourhood Development Plan, neighbourhood Development Order or Community Right to Build Order.
All the relevant information regarding planning services at East Lindsey District Council, including information about planning duty officer services, coronavirus updates and how to make a planning application.
We investigate all breaches of planning control where development has taken place before the necessary planning approval has been granted.
In East Lindsey we have a vast and fascinating heritage. This can be seen throughout our towns and villages and within the wider landscape, so it is important that this heritage is preserved and enhanced so that future generations can continue to enjoy it.
The Self-Build and Custom Housebuild Act 2015 placed a duty on local Councils across England to keep and have regard to a register of people who are interested in self-build or custom build projects within the areas. The register will help inform the Council of the demand for self-build and custom build plots in East Lindsey and enable the Council to develop a strategy for matching people to plots.
The Government has set out plans to introduce a statutory Brownfield Land Register which all Councils must have published by 31st December 2017. The Brownfield Land Register will comprise a standard set of information on brownfield sites suitable for housing. This data is provided under the Open Government Licence.