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Heritage, Archaeology and Conservation

In East Lindsey we have a vast and fascinating heritage. This can be seen throughout our towns and villages and within the wider landscape, so it is important that this heritage is preserved and enhanced so that future generations can continue to enjoy it.

Current planning guidance, The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), requires the Council to have the necessary expertise to identify and assess the significance of any heritage asset that may be affected by planning proposals, including development affecting their setting. To ensure local heritage is given due consideration during development we employ a number of specialist Officers, who provide advice relating to heritage assets:

·       Heritage Lincolnshire provide advice on Archaeology and its setting. This can include planning applications that involve digging or development in areas that have the potential to disturb or affect remains.

·       We also provide advice in house, supported by Heritage Lincolnshire, on development relating to Historic Buildings and Areas, or their setting. This includes both designated and non-designated heritage assets.

Planning Policy also requires an applicant to describe a heritage assets' importance, the level of detail should be sufficient to understand the potential impact of the proposal on any heritage asset as part of the planning process. For this, the Historic Environment Record (HER), a database used to record known heritage assets and references, should be consulted.

·       Lincolnshire County Council are responsible for updating, maintaining and providing access to Lincolnshire's Historic Environment Record (HER).


Contact East Lindsey District Council Planning:

Address: Planning, East Lindsey District Council, ELDC Horncastle Public Sector Hub, Mareham Road, Horncastle, Lincolnshire, LN9 6PH.

Tel: 01507 601111



Contact Heritage Lincolnshire, Archaeology:

Address: Senior Historic Environment Officer, Heritage Lincolnshire, The Old School, Cameron Street, Heckington, NG34 9RW

Tel: 01526 461499



Contact Heritage Lincolnshire, Conservation:

Address: ELDC/BBC Conservation Advisor, Heritage Lincolnshire, The Old School, Cameron Street, Heckington, NG34 9RW

Tel: 01526 461499



Contact Lincolnshire County Council, Historic Environment Record:

Address: Planning and Environment, Places Team (Archaeology), Lancaster House, 36 Orchard Street, Lincoln, LN1 1XX.

Tel: 01522 782070



Conservation Frequently Asked Questions
Draft Conservation Area Appraisals for Alford, Horncastle, Louth, Spilsby, Wainfleet and Woodhall Spa are available for you to download.
Conservation Areas are designated by the Council and cover those areas which possess special architectural or historic interest. In East Lindsey, there are seventeen Conservation Areas. Conservation Areas often represent a familiar and valued local scene, thus are granted greater protection against alterations to buildings and spaces, including trees.
Some heritage assets are considered to be of national or even international significance. Therefore, the law imposes tight control over destruction of, or alterations to these sites. Designated Heritage Assets include lots of different types of heritage assets. These include; archaeological sites, historic buildings, shipwrecks, landscapes, battlefields and areas. They are referred to collectively as Designated Heritage Assets.
Archaeological sites and monuments are found in our towns and villages, our fields and woods, and along our coastline. This evidence of past activity can range from finds of single artefacts to large and complex multi‐period sites such as settlements, ritual places and burial sites, and the remains of past industrial activity. Almost all of our modern settlements are built over evidence of previous occupation, with the majority of our towns and villages having historic cores and areas where the remains of earlier activity is likely to be encountered. Where known, archaeological sites and features are recorded on the Lincolnshire Historic Environment Record (HER).
A Heritage Assessment should accompany applications for new development that affect a heritage asset or its setting. This is sometimes referred to as a Heritage Statement or Heritage Impact Assessment. The National Planning Policy Framework, which is the current government planning guidance, places the onus on the developer to provide enough information with their application to understand the proposals potential impact on any heritage asset affected.