Protected Hedgerows
Most countryside hedgerows are protected by the Hedgerows Regulations 1997. This means that you cannot remove a hedgerow without giving us notice.
Prior to removing any eligible hedgerow you must give us 6 weeks notice by submitting a 'Hedgerow Removal Notice'. You can find more information on the regulations and notification by downloading the Hedgerow Regulations - Your Questions Answered (PDF, 956 KB)(opens new window) leaflet.
If you plan to remove an eligible hedgerow please complete and submit a Hedgerow Removal Notice (PDF, 48 KB)(opens new window) , which can be downloaded from this page. To view details of Hedgerow Removal Notifications received by us please download the Register of Hedgerow Removal Notifications (PDF, 260 KB) .
Garden hedges are not protected by this legislation but their management is sometimes controlled by other types of protection such as Planning Conditions as outlined within the Other Tree and Hedge Protection.