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Assisted Collection

We provide Assisted Collections for householders who are unable to present their waste at the kerbside due to either disability or infirmity.

Applications for assisted collection will only be accepted when there is no-one in the household who can present wheeled bins or sacks on the kerbside for collection. We will visit all householders requesting Assisted Collection to verify that they qualify for the service. We may ask the applicant to provide proof of their incapacity by a Doctor's note.

When assisted collections are approved, we will collect and return wheeled bins or sacks to an agreed location. Householders must ensure that access can be obtained on collection days and that gates are left unlocked.

We will periodically review assisted collections and withdraw the service if the householder is no longer eligible for the service.

Did you know that your water company may be able to offer you similar support services?

Anglian Water understand that from time to time some customers need extra special care. 

Register for their priority services and they can give extra help with...

  • water when the supply is interrupted
  • special tariffs
  • alternative ways of getting information
  • reassurance against bogus callers

Registration is easy, you can also apply on behalf of family, friend or neighbour so they can benefit from this service.