We investigate all breaches of planning control where development has taken place before the necessary planning approval has been granted.
When development takes place without permission we have a full range of enforcement powers available to establish whether a breach of planning control has taken place, what harm is caused as a result of the breach and how to remedy the situation.
We normally negotiate compliance rather than pursue formal action. In cases where serious environmental damage or harm to the amenities of neighbouring residents is taking place, or where damage is being caused to listed buildings, we will use the full range of powers available.
Only when we have served formal enforcement or similar notices, all avenues of appeal have been exhausted and time periods for compliance have expired, does a use or development become illegal and a criminal offence.
The person against whom an enforcement notice is served has rights of appeal.
xxFor all planning enforcement inquiries, please call: Jack Read - Planning Enforcement Technical Assistant 01507 613566 - 07713074341 Charlie Bassham - Planning Enforcement Apprentice 01507 613938 - 07340 167705 | Officer Contacts | Elaine Bruce - Planning Compliance Officer 01507 613178 - 07917116360 | Richard Scott - Planning Enforcement Officer (Consultant) 01507 854411 - 07920560421 | Abi Leverton - Planning Enforcement Officer 01507 613567 - 07780223227 | Ryan Dodd - Senior Enforcement Officer 01507 613160 - 07788328733 | Gemma Clark - Planning Enforcement Officer. (Note: Working days are Monday to Wednesday) 01507 613554 - 07393250267 | Jim Wilmot -Planning Enforcement Officer (Consultant) (Note: Working days are Thursday and Friday) 01507 613373 - 07766161647 | Jack Read - Planning Enforcement Technical Assistant 01507 613566 - 07713074341 | Jo Parker - Service Manager Enforcement 01507 613555 - 07584 613322 | Chloe Stones - Planning Enforcement Officer (Note: Working days are Tuesday to Thursday) 01507 613556 - 07766363039 | Dean Flower - Principal Planning Enforcement Officer (Consultant) (Note: Working days are Monday to Thursday) 01507 613342 - 07860 375851 | | | |