The following information may be necessary to ensure your application is validated and then be determined in a timely manner.
National Requirements
- Completed application form
- Location Plan
- Site Plan
- Ownership Certificate (A, B, C or D)
- Agricultural Holdings Certificate
- Correct Fee
- Design and Access Statement (if required) - Guidance Notes (PDF, 57 KB)
Additionally, although not a formal validation requirement, your application may need to be supported by additional information. This can be best confirmed through the Council's pre-application service (HYPERLINK). Additional requirements (depending on the proposal) may include:
- Application Plans
- Affordable Housing Statement
- Archaeological Assessment
- Ecological Survey Assessment and Mitigation Report and Protected Species Survey
- Habitat Regulations Assessment
- Flood Risk and Drainage Assessments
- Heritage Statement
- Land Contamination Assessment
- Landscaping Details
- Marketing Information
- Noise Assessment
- Open Space Assessment (including playing fields and recreational buildings)
- Planning Obligations (Section 106 Legal Agreements) - Draft Head of Terms
- Planning Statement
- Statement of Community Involvement
- Structural Survey
- Sustainability Statement
- Town Centre Use Assessment
- Transport Assessments/ Statements and Travel Plans
- Tree Survey and/or Statement of Arboricultural Implications of Development
- Sunlight/Daylight Assessment