Conservation Areas
Conservation Areas are designated by the Council and cover those areas which possess special architectural or historic interest. In East Lindsey, there are seventeen Conservation Areas. Conservation Areas often represent a familiar and valued local scene, thus are granted greater protection against alterations to buildings and spaces, including trees.
One of the most important effects of being in a Conservation Area is the greater emphasis placed on design. When considering planning applications, the Council is required to pay, 'special attention' to the 'desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance' of Conservation Areas. This does not mean that things will never change. Instead, it means that new development should respect the character of the area. Conservation Areas can also encourage local appreciation and interest in the area's heritage.
Properties located within a Conservation Area are protected by additional planning controls.
By law, the substantial demolition of unlisted buildings and structures in a Conservation Area requires Planning Permission. A proposal for demolition in a Conservation Area is not usually supported where the building or structure involved makes a positive contribution to the area's character and appearance. Plans to redevelop the site proposed for demolition will also normally be required before consent for demolition is granted.
Living in a Conservation Area can reduce your general Permitted Development Rights.
Permitted Development Rights are the alterations you can make to your property without the need for Planning Permission. Therefore, you may be required to submit a planning application for works such as:
- Cladding or changing the material of the exterior of a building.
- Construction of an extension to the front or side elevation of dwelling house.
- Construction of an extension exceeding one storey on the rear of a dwelling house.
- Any enlargement consisting of an addition to or alteration of the roof.
- A building, enclosure, pool or container between a wall forming a side elevation and the boundary of the dwelling house.
- Installation of a chimney, flue, or soil and vent pipe on a wall or roof slope fronting a highway and forming the principal or side elevation of a dwelling house.
- Installation of microwave antenna (e.g. satellite dish) on a chimney wall or roof slope facing onto or visible from a highway, or on a building >15m high.
- Installation of solar panels within the grounds or on a wall or building within the curtilage of dwelling house where visible from a highway. Solar Panels should always be positioned to minimise their impact on the external appearance of a building, and the amenity of the area.
The above advice does not take into account listed buildings, which have very few Permitted Development Rights or properties where permitted development is restricted by planning conditions or an Article 4 Direction.
Advertisement Consent is also required for the display of some signs and adverts within Conservation Areas.
Signage should always be designed to be sympathetic to the character and appearance of a Conservation Area but it is likely to require Advertisement Consent if over 0.3msq in area or if it includes:
- Illumination.
- Captive balloon advertisements.
- Flag advertisements.
- Poster hoardings around construction sites.
Trees within a Conservation Area are protected.
This protection applies to the pruning or felling of any tree with a trunk of over 75 mm in diameter measured 1.5 metres above ground level, regardless of species. If you intend to carry out work to a tree within a Conservation Area you must give 6 weeks written notice.
You can access further advice on Permitted Development, Advertisement and Trees by contacting our Planning Service or Speaking to our Arboricultural Officer.
Contact Planning on:
Address: East Lindsey District Council, The Hub, Mareham Road, Horncastle, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom, LN9 6PH
Tel: 01507 601111
Our Conservation Areas:
Declared: 1970 updated 1989
Area: 19.1 ha
Declared: 1993
Area: 9.1ha
Burgh le Marsh
Declared: 1972 updated 1996
Area: 7.9ha
Declared: 1970, updated 1989 and 1996
Area: 37.8ha
Declared: 1972, updated 1992
Area: 15.3ha
Declared: 1968, updated 1984 and 1993
Area: 107.6ha
North Thoresby
Declared: 1991
Area: 4.7ha
Declared: 1993
Area: 14.3ha
Declared: 1973, updated 1996
Area: 92.4
South Willingham
Declared: 1994
Area: 9.7ha
Declared: 1972
Area: 11.7ha
Old Bolingbroke
Declared: 1970, updated 1991
Area: 33.8
Declared: 1976, updated 1996
Area: 17.1
Declared: 1967, updated 1996
Area: 3.3ha
Declared: 1972, updated 1989, 1996 and 2013
Area: 22.6ha
Woodhall Spa
Declared: 1991
Area: 81ha
Declared: 1993
Area: 8.4ha