Consultations we have responded to
Please find below a list of consultations we have responded to on behalf of the community. The responses without a document link, will be available to view online via the consultation provider.
February 2017:
Supported Housing Consultation (PDF, 224 KB)(opens new window)
April 2017:
Housing White Paper (PDF, 200 KB)(opens new window)
May 2017:
Air Quality Consultation (PDF, 21 KB)(opens new window)
July 2017:
East Midlands Rail Franchise Public Consultation (PDF, 12 MB)(opens new window)
November 2017:
Planning for Homes Consultation (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
January 2018:
Domestic Abuse Consultation (PDF, 54 KB)(opens new window)
HRA Code of Guidance Consultation (PDF, 61 KB)(opens new window)
Sheltered and Extra Care Accommodation (PDF, 52 KB)(opens new window)
Supported Accommodation (PDF, 49 KB)(opens new window)
February 2018:
Lincolnshire Wolds Draft AONB Management Plan 2018-23 (PDF, 26 KB)(opens new window)
May 2018:
Traveller Consultation Response (PDF, 108 KB)(opens new window)
July 2018:
Household Waste Duty of Care (PDF, 335 KB)(opens new window)
Waste Strategy Public Consultation
September 2018:
Rural Economy Call for Evidence (PDF, 411 KB)(opens new window)
October 2018:
Coastal Economy Call for Evidence (PDF, 660 KB)(opens new window)