Proposed Main Modifications Consultation
East Lindsey Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications (2017) Consultation 5th January to 5:30pm 16th February 2018.
East Lindsey District Council's Local Plan (the plan) was submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination on the 18th April 2017. Planning Inspectors Jeremy Youle BA (HONS) MA MRTPI and Louise Phillips MA MSc MRTPI were appointed to undertake the examination with the public hearing sessions held between the 12th July and the 4th of October 2017.
As part of the examination process a number of proposed Main Modifications have been identified. A Main Modification is an amendment which is considered necessary to make the Plan sound, and is required in order to address concerns raised by either the Inspectors or other representors during the examination process.
The Council has prepared a schedule setting out the proposed Main Modifications it considers necessary in order for the Local Plan to be found sound. This document, along with a document showing proposed changes from the maps in the submission Core Strategy and Sites in the Settlement Proposals DPD, an updated Sustainability Appraisal Report and Habitats Regulations Assessment have now been published for public consultation.
Please note that at this stage representations will only be accepted on the Proposed Main Modifications set out in the Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications to the Pre-Submission Draft Local Plan (2017) and the proposed map changes received within the consultation period. This is not an opportunity to re-state previous representations, as these have already been considered by the Inspector as part of the examination, or to raise new objections to the Pre-Submission Draft Local Plan or to seek further changes to it. For example: seeking the inclusion or omission of a site in the Plan other than those identified in the Proposed Main Modifications.
This consultation runs from the 5th of January to 5:30pm on the 16th of February 2018.
The following documents form part of this consultation:
- Main Modifications Consultation Form (PDF, 110 KB)(opens new window)
- Main Modifications Guidance on Making Representations (PDF, 80 KB)(opens new window)
- Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications to the Core Strategy Draft Local Plan (2017) (ED056) (PDF, 418 KB)(opens new window)
- Please note this document (ED056) has been revised to amend an error in the proposed change to MM19, in respect of Policy SP19, Clause 4 relating the open space between Addlethorpe and Ingoldmells. Please note the page numbers within documents ED056 and ED057 have been amended to be in line with those within the Submissions Modifications Draft of the plan, this change was made on the 15th January 2018.
- Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications to the Settlement Proposals DPD Draft Local Plan (2017) (ED057) (PDF, 235 KB)(opens new window)
- Sustainability Appraisal - Main Modifications
- CD102a East Lindsey Core Strategy Sustainability Appraisal - Main Modifications (PDF, 3 MB)(opens new window)
- CD102a East Lindsey Settlement Proposals Sustainability Appraisal - Main Modifications (PDF, 3 MB)(opens new window)
- CD102a Core Strategy October 2017 Appendix 1 Policy Analysis- Post Hearings (PDF, 476 KB)
- CD102a Settlement Proposals Appendix 1 Site Assessment Forms (PDF, 3 MB)(opens new window)
- Gypsy and Traveller full site analysis table, Appendix 3 (CD102a) (PDF, 206 KB)(opens new window)
- Addendums to Habitats Regulations Assessment Report 2017.
- Changes to the Submission Policies Maps relating to the main modifications amended where necessary for accuracy/clarity for both the Core Strategy and Settlement Proposals DPD including policies Maps 1 and 2 updated for clarity (ED054)
- ED054 Changes to the Submissions Policies Map Document - Part 1 (PDF, 8 MB)(opens new window)
- ED054 Changes to the Submissions Policies Map Document - Part 2 Burgh le Marsh to Horncastle (PDF, 9 MB)(opens new window)
- ED054 Changes to the Submissions Policies Map Document - Part 3 Legbourne to Woodhall Spa (PDF, 10 MB)(opens new window)
- ED054 Changes to the Submissions Policies Map Document - Part 4 Wragby to Skegness (PDF, 10 MB)(opens new window)
All duly made representations will be recorded and made available to view on the Local Plan Consultation Portal as well as being sent via the Programme Officer to the Inspectors for consideration. The Inspector anticipates that all issues arising from this consultation on the Proposed Main Modifications will be considered through the written representations procedure. Exceptionally, however the Inspector may decide it is necessary to hold an additional hearing session of sessions in order to resolve or clarify any outstanding issues.
Other amended documents which are not modifications to be commented on as part of this consultation but have informed various Main Modifications are listed below:
- ED033a Local Plan Allocations (PDF, 44 KB)(opens new window)
- ED034a Inland Commitments (PDF, 150 KB)(opens new window)
- ED035a Coastal Commitments (PDF, 63 KB)(opens new window)
- ED036b 5 year supply Information (PDF, 107 KB)(opens new window)
- ED037a Housing Trajectory (PDF, 67 KB)(opens new window)
- ED050a Housing Target Table (PDF, 54 KB)(opens new window)
Below are the responses received in relation to the Local Plan Main Modification Consultation.
Main Mod Consultation Response Summary - ELDC (PDF, 429 KB)(opens new window)