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Woodhall Spa Local Development Order & Article 4 Directions

The Woodhall Spa Conservation Area Local Development Order and the Article 4 Directions were approved and confirmed at a meeting of the full East Lindsey District Council on 10th October 2018. A copy of the report to Council, the consultation report and the Council's response to representations made can be viewed below.

The decision was made in accordance with:

  • the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 Schedule 3 Article 4 (with regards the Article 4 directions); and

  • the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 Article 38 (with regards the LDO)


Both Woodhall Spa Conservation Area Article 4 Directions and the Woodhall Spa Conservation Area Local Development Order came into force on Wednesday 17th. October 2018.

The Article 4 Directions will mean that planning permission will be required for works which could affect Woodhall Spa Conservation Area's appearance & character. Order No.1 applies only to specified properties in the Conservation Area and removes the permitted development rights specified in that Order. Order No.2 applies to the whole of the whole of the Conservation Area and further removes those permitted development rights specified in it.

However, the Local Development Order will permit certain specified works that will preserve or enhance Woodhall Spa Conservation Area's appearance & character.

The following documents form the two Article 4 Directions:


The following document forms the Local Development Order:

Full size drawings can be found below.


A paper copy of both Woodhall Spa Conservation Area Article 4 Directions and of the Local Development Order can be viewed at: East Lindsey District Council's Planning Reception - The Hub, Mareham Road, Horncastle, Lincolnshire 
LN9 6PH (available to view during working hours on Monday to Friday 9.00 till 17.00).