Report an Environmental Nuisance
Before You Start
You will need the following information to complete this application:
- Information about the type of environmental nuisance.
- The address or a description of the location of the environmental nuisance.
- If known, the name and/or a contact number for the person(s) causing the environmental nuisance.
Please Note
- There is a time limit on each page of this form of 1 hour. Select the 'Next' / 'Submit' button on each page within an hour, otherwise your data will be lost.
- All fields marked with an asterisk (*) must be completed.
- Extra help, where provided, can be found immediately after each field.
- You cannot complete this form anonymously.
When you have successfully completed the form, you will receive a 16-digit reference number and should receive a confirmation email.
Select the 'Start' button to confirm your eligibility and start the form.
Select the 'Report an Environmental Nuisance' link to get started.